Interdisciplinary Polytrauma Course 2024

This certified polytrauma course is an interdisciplinary course designed to combine the knowledge of general surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopedic trauma surgeons, critical care physicians, and emergency physicians. In addition, this course covers the entire management of polytraumatized patients and is classified as advanced training for the specialty "Specialized Traumatology" (Switzerland).


University Hospital Zurich
Frauenklinikstrasse 10, 8091 Zurich

Lecture hall

North1, C 307


SGC-SSC 13, swiss orthopaedics 16, SGNOR 14, applied for SSAPM, SGR

You register for a two-day event.

03.10.2024 8.30 am - 6.30 pm
04.10.2024 8 am - 4.15 pm

This course is suitable for candidates for the title “Specialized Traumatology” (Switzerland) as well as general surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic trauma surgeons, traumatologists, intensive care physicians, emergency physicians, anaesthetists, radiologists and other interested physicians.

This course is held in English.

The course schedule for the location of the pool training, the workshops and the simulation center will be handed out on the first day of the course.


Lecture Hall Nord1 C 307

8.30 a.m. Registration, welcome coffee
9.00 a.m. Welcome address by the hospital management
9.10 a.m. Concept of the polytrauma course
ATLS – PTC – ERC – PHTLS – International cooperation
polytrauma section ESTES
Polytrauma management – overview
9.20 a.m. Interdisciplinary emergency room management
9.40 a.m. The surgeons’ viewpoint
9.55 a.m. The radiologist’s viewpoint
10.10 a.m. Results of the Polytrauma Expert Panel
10.25 a.m. Coffee break
Traumatic brain injuries
11.00 a.m. Acute treatment (trepanation or decompression)
11.15 a.m. How to monitor and manage
11.30 a.m. Keynote lecture: Management of bleeding patient with polytrauma
12.00 p.m. Q & A
12.15 p.m. Lunch (Foyer Nord1, near lecture hall)

Switch to practical exercises
Simulation Center

1.15 p.m. Simulation training – interdisciplinary groups (1+2) and
Specialized practical exercises – interdisciplinary groups I (3 + 4)
4.15 pm Coffee break
4.45 p.m. Simulation training – interdisciplinary groups II (1+2) and
Specialized practical exercises – interdisciplinary groups II (3+4)
6.30 p.m. End of the first day

Lecture Hall Nord1 C 307

8.00 a.m. Coffee
8.20 a.m. Introduction
European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ESTES)
8.25 a.m. Role of ESTES in European Polytrauma Care
8.40 a.m. ICU Course for Surgeons: Aims and Content of the New Course
8.55 a.m. Role of REBOA in Management of Bleeding Polytrauma Patient
9.10 a.m. Indications and techniques for spino-pelvic fixation
9.25 a.m. Q & A
9.45 a.m. Coffee break
10.00 am Accupational reintegration of polytraumatized patiens – What are the strategies and aims? (SUVA – Swiss National Accident Insurance)
(SUVA – Swiss National Accident Insurance)
10.20 a.m. Q & A

Switch to practical exercises
Simulation Center

10.40 a.m. Group polytrauma course Simulation training –
interdisciplinary groups I (1+2) or
Specialized practical exercises – interdisciplinary groups
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.15 p.m. Simulation training – interdisciplinary groups II (3 + 4) or
specialized practical exercises – interdisciplinary groups II (1 + 2)
4.15 pm Handover of participation certificates
End of the PTC course

Speakers (lectures, workshops, pelvic workshops, simulation training)

Breckwoldt Jan, M.D. Professor
Department of Anesthesiology USZ

Peter Däscher
Senior Project Manager
AO Foundation, Davos

Sandra Fernandes Sargento Dias M.D.
Department of Neurosurgery USZ

Bastian Grande M.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Anesthesiology USZ

Sascha Halvachizadeh M.D.
Department of Traumatology USZ

Basil Hatz, M.D.
Department of Traumatology USZ

Sandro Heining M.D.
Department of Traumatology USZ

Christian Hierholzer M.D., Professor
Department of Traumatology USZ

Kai Oliver Jensen, M.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Traumatology USZ

Anne Kaiser MHBA, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology USZ

Valentin Neuhaus M.D. Professor
Department of Traumatology USZ

Hans-Christoph Pape, M.D. Professor
Director Department of Traumatology USZ

Roman Pfeifer M.D. Professor
Department of Traumatology USZ

Frank Peter Schäfer M.D.
Department of Traumatology USZ

Urs Schlegel PhD, Consultant
Department of Traumatology USZ

Hans-Peter Simmen, M.D. Professor em.
Chairman of the Swiss Trauma Board

Peter Steiger M.D. Clinical Instructor
Department of Intensive Care Medicine USZ

Max Thomasius, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology USZ

Speaker at the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (suva)

Josef Grab M.D.
Chief Physician Insurance Medicine suva

Simulation Center USZ

The course leaders in the simulation center are also university lecturers from the Department of Trauma Surgery USZ and the Department of Anesthesiology USZ in cooperation with the Simulation Center USZ (as well as the entire 2-day course with all speakers and workshop leaders).

Guest speaker

Information will follow

Course fees


  • CHF 440 (Early Bird registration until August 31, 2024)
  • CHF 490 (later registration)


  • CHF 390 (DGOU, BVOU, ESTES, SGC, Swiss College of Surgeons, Swiss Orthopaedics, SGR, SSAPM, SGNOR)

Coffee break and lunch included.


This course is certified by TÜV Hessen & Polytraumacourse.


The course is limited to 40 places.


University Hospital Zurich
Department of Traumatology
“Polytrauma Course October 2024”
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zurich

Tel. +44 255 27 55

Responsible Department