Portrait Beat Müllhaupt

Beat Müllhaupt
Prof. Dr. med.

Senior Physician, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Other functions at USZ

  • Representative: Liver Transplantation Center


  • Acute and chronic liver diseases
  • Acute liver failure
  • Transplant hepatology


Tel. +41 44 255 85 48


Since 2017 Vice Director, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Since 2010 Titular professor at the University of Zurich
Since 2008 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss Transplantation Society
Since 2007 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Zurich Transplant Center
Since 2005 Clinical Coordinator of the Swiss HPB Center
Since 2004 Senior Attending Physician of Hepatology at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich
2003 – 2010 Private lecturer at the University of Zurich
2000 – 2003 Attending Physician, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich
1998 – 2000 Attending Physician Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, Triemli City Hospital
1996 – 1998 Resident at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich
1995 – 1996 Resident in Gastroenterology, Münsterlingen Cantonal Hospital
1992 – 1995 Research Fellow Cell Biology and Aging Section, Veteran Administration Medical Center and Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA
1992 – 1995 Associate Member Liver Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA
1989 – 1991 Resident, Medical Polyclinic, University Hospital Zurich
1987 – 1999 Resident in Internal Medicine at Baden Cantonal Hospital
1986 – 1987 Resident in anesthesiology, Bruderholz Cantonal Hospital
1985 – 1986 Resident in Pathology, University Hospital Basel
1978 – 1984 Medical studies at the University of Fribourg and Basel

Research focus

B. Müllhaupt’s research focuses on chronic viral infections of the liver, liver transplantation and fox and dog tapeworm disease. The focus here is on investigations into the epidemiology and natural course of these diseases in connection with current treatment options. B. Müllhaupt is a partner in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort, which has been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation for many years and has published important contributions to the understanding of this chronic viral disease.
As part of a research project supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, we investigated the epidemiology of alveolar echinococcosis in Kyrgyzstan with colleagues from the Institute of Parasitology at the University of Zurich and initialized a drug therapy concept.
The further development of drug therapy options for the treatment of chronic liver disease is an important focus. Accordingly, numerous novel therapeutic approaches are constantly being researched at our center as part of multicenter studies and can be offered to interested patients

Most important memberships

  • FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum)
  • SGG (Swiss Society of Gastroenterology; Board member 2006-2014, Vice-President 2014-2016, Co-President 2016-2020)
  • AGZ (Medical Association of the Canton of Zurich)
  • SASL (Swiss Association for the study of the liver, board member 2003-2018)
  • STS (Swiss Society of Transplantation)
  • EASL (European Association for the study of the liver)
  • AASLD (American Association for the study of the liver)