17th Annual Symposium of the University Hospital Zurich Transplant Center

Humoral and cellular rejection in 2023: Prophylaxis and Intervention - A Journey Through All Programs


Grosser Hörsaal OST
Schmelzbergstrasse 12
8091 Zurich




1.30 pm - 6.00 pm


SGAIM Swiss Society of Internal Medicine 3 points
SGC Swiss Society of Surgery 3 points
SGGSSG Swiss Society of Gastroenterology 2 points
SGN Swiss Society of Nephrology 3 points
SGP Swiss Society of Pneumology 1 points


1.30 pm Welcome
Nawid Khaladj
1.40 pm Opening address
Nicolas Müller
1.45 pm Annual Report
Nicolas Müller
Humoral and cellular rejection: prophylaxis and intervention – a journey through all programs.
Chair: Thomas Müller
2.05 pm The immunologists’ point of view
Jakob Nilsson
2.25 pm Kidney and pancreas
Thomas Schachtner
2.45 pm Heart
Michelle Frank
3.05 pm Coffee break
3.45 pm Excellence Award Zurich Transplant Center
Markus Wilhelm
Humoral and cellular rejection: prophylaxis and intervention – a journey through all programs.
Chair: Dominik Schneidawind
4 pm Alloimmune risk stratification in long-term liver transplant recipients.
Julien Vionnet (online)
4.30 pm Adherence in organ transplantation – the fifth sign of life?
Mariel Nöhre
5.00 pm Lung
Challenges of rejection in lung transplantation: insights into prevention and therapeutic approaches
René Hage
5.30 pm Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: molecular imaging of alloreactive responses during transplantation.
Federico Simonetta
6 pm Closing remarks
Nicolas Müller

Chair and speakers

Michelle Frank, Ph.
Senior physician
Department of Cardiology
University Hospital Zurich

René Hage, MD PhD
Senior physician
Department of Pulmonology
University Hospital Zurich

Nawid Khaladj, Prof. Dr. MBA, MLaw,
Medical Co-Director QSB
University Hospital Zurich

Nicolas Müller, Prof. Dr.
Head of Transplant Center
Senior Attending Physician
Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology
University Hospital Zurich

Thomas Müller, Prof. Dr.
Vice Head, Transplantation Center
Director of Department a.i.
Department of Nephrology
University Hospital Zurich

Jakob Nilsson, Dr.
Head, Laboratory for Transplantation Immunology
Senior Attending Physician
Department of Immunology
University Hospital Zurich

Mariel Nöhre, PD Dr.
Specialist for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Hanover Medical School

Thomas Schachtner, PD Dr.
Head, Laboratory for Transplantation Immunology
Senior Attending Physician
Department of Nephrology
University Hospital Zurich

Dominik Schneidawind, Prof. Dr.
Senior Attending Physician
Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinic
University Hospital Zurich

Federico Simonetta Scientific, Dr.
Chief Resident, Division of Hematology
Department of Oncology
Geneva University Hospitals and Translational
Research Center for Oncohematology
University of Geneva

Julien Vionnet, Dr.
Associate Physician, PD and MER Clin
Transplant center /
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
CHUV, Lausanne

Markus Johannes Wilhelm, Prof. Dr.
Senior Attending Physician
Department of Cardiac Surgery
University Hospital Zurich


Tel. +41 44 255 96 60

Responsible Department