Portrait Daniel Fries

Daniel Fries

Attending Physician, Institute of Anesthesiology


  • General anesthesia


Tel. +41 43 254 03 35


2020 until today Department of Anesthesiology USZ
2019 Pediatric Anesthesia University Children’s Hospital Zurich
2018 Emergency doctor Rega base Dübendorf
2016 – 2017 Internal Medicine Cantonal Hospital Glarus, Emergency Doctor Rega Mollis
2015 – 2016 Institute for Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, CIM, USZ
2013 Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit and Surgical Cardiac Anesthesia Rotation Institute of Anesthesiology USZ
2012 Anesthesia Limmattal Hospital Schlieren
2010 General anesthesia, University Hospital Zurich
2009 Approbation


  • Pediatric Anesthesia Providers’ Perspective on the Real-Life
    Implementation of the Philips Visual Patient Avatar:
    A Qualitative Study, Children 11/20223
  • User Perceptions of Visual Clot in a High-Fidelity
    Simulation Study: a Mixed Qualitative-Quantitative
    Study, JMIR Human Factors, 04/2023

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  • FMH